The rise of packaged snacks and more sedentary time spent sitting on our bums leaves us thinking about and wanting food between meals. But do we actually need to snack? Is it healthy to snack to keep your body burning fuel between meals or is it better to give it a rest? As a nutritionist,…
Weight Loss
10 Ways to Eat More Vegetables
Vegetables are probably the most important food group in our diet. They’re nutrient rich, high in fibre and low in energy. Did you know they provide our good gut bacteria with food (prebiotics) and they’re full of powerful antioxidants too! We all need to eat more vegetables. Eating the rainbow (and plenty of it) cuts…
Gluten-free: What you need to know
Improve your gut health, reduce bloating, lose weight, improve your skin and increase your energy levels! Yes please! We all want to feel a little bit better right? And it makes sense to blame the food we eat for the bloating, irregular poos, gas or tummy upsets we sometimes experience. Surely finding the culprit and…
How to boost your metabolism
Your metabolism describes all of the chemical reactions that go on in your body to support and sustain your life – everything. These processes need energy (kilojoules) and your metabolism determines just how much you need every day. These chemical processes vary slightly in everyone depending on your gender, genetics and lifestyle. Our bodies love homeostasis, to…
Is lack of sleep making you gain weight?
We’ve all been there. A bad nights sleep and the next day you’re eating anything you can get your hands on, preferably white and baked. Worse still, you’re up with the baby at all hours of the night and the only thing that keeps you going between settles is hot buttery toast. There is no…
Lemon Detox: Do you need it?
‘Tis the season of cleanses, detoxes and kick starter diets. There’s only 53 days to Christmas! Are you bikini ready? I loathe this expression; your diet and weight should be all about your health and wellbeing – nothing about clothes. On positive note I have started Christmas shopping and I’ve got some healthy gift guides…
Is Your Coffee Making You Fat?
Fad diets and detox plans add coffee to the No list. But is it the caffeine that’s the problem or how you have your coffee fix? People who drink coffee (2-3 cups a day) might be healthier and live longer than those who don’t.1 Drinking coffee might also reduce your risk of some cancers, heart disease and…